Psoriasis Overview.
Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure. It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a while or going into remission. Treatments are available to help you manage symptoms.
The Facts about Psoriasis.
Known for causing patchy, red, itchy, and scaly skin, psoriasis can be a challenge to live with. Constant scratching, embarrassing patches of scales, and facing the stares and quizzical looks from friends and strangers alike can take a toll on you.
The more you know about psoriasis, the better you can control it and the easier it is to live with.
The first thing you should know is that psoriasis isn’t contagious. So you can go outside, socialize, and hug your loved ones without worrying about spreading your condition. It may take some time and a few conversations, but it’s important to educate those you work and live with so they don’t avoid you out of fear or ignorance.
The next thing you should know is that psoriasis comes in several different types, and they all look and act a little differently. Some affect your skin, others your nails, palms, soles, scalp, or even your joints. They can cause rough red patches, shiny scales, or bumpy pustules. So if you think you know psoriasis, you might not know its many forms.
Finally, it’s important to take psoriasis seriously. Having psoriasis puts you into a high-risk category for several other health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, among others. If you have psoriasis, your risk for developing psoriatic arthritis in your joints is about 30% higher than the general population.
Now that you know the facts, here are some tips for managing your psoriasis symptoms so you can live your life on your own terms.
Living with Psoriasis
Mild cases of psoriasis and occasional flare-ups can be effectively controlled by some simple steps you can take every day:
Spend a little time in the sun
Don't drink too much alcohol
Cut back on caffeine
Don’t smoke
Eat a balanced ‘healthy’ diet
Eat anti-inflammatory foods, such as cold-water fish, colourful fruits and vegetables
Take fish oil and vitamin D supplements
Use a good skin moisturizer
Not only will these help calm a psoriasis flare-up, but they may also prevent them as well.
If you find yourself with a more severe case that won’t respond to these conservative methods, make sure to come to Kampala Dermatology skin clinic right away. We can prescribe a variety of treatments, from topical medications to oral or biologic medications that work from the inside out to regulate your immune system, which is generally the cause of your overactive skin cell production.
Psoriasis help is available
If psoriasis is running your life and limiting your activity, don’t despair. There’s hope for a life with psoriasis, and we can develop a treatment plan customized to your unique set of symptoms.
To find out how we can help relieve your psoriasis, contact us for an appointment. Our facility is safe and open find us at Kampala Dermatology Skin Clinic Bandali Rise Bugolobi.